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Story Emits

On a perfectly unremarkable day as some folks were gathering near the fountain, a warm breeze blew in. No, not cold, warm. And along with it - scorpions! Big enough to attack people. Dirk and Gavin made quick work of them, and there don't seem to be any left in the city.
The market square, as it now is, in the lower city, continues to put out interest and danger. Today, they say, Lord Gavin destroyed two great skeletal warriors with the heads of horses, all the while under fire from the mage in a warehouse nearby who had created them. Dirk was injured in the battle, and Danielle was just dancing and shoving at the air, out of her mind with terror and glee. Amethyst had to put Dirk's hand back onto his wrist right there at the fountain!
The usual suspects - Gavin, Amy, Dirk, Danielle, a red-head in black, and a fountain - failed to deliver any interesting pyrotechnics recently, but the structure that was built to keep rain off the fountain was glowing, and as a consequence there have been a spate of double-headed snakes in the city.
No sooner has one strange thing gone, than another happens. Today a whale swam through a sea of mist in the middle of the town square. Even now there is seaweed all over the place.
There was a period of quiet at the fountain, but then some messenger showed up, and a group of folks left. I heard someone refer to "King Drik!" There's a pause. "Wait, there's a new king? That's - I don't know what to think about that!"
Rich people get all the enjoyment. That dagger guy was sporting himself in the fountain, him and two red-heads. They kept their clothes on, though. Didn't see much of interest. The short one's got a lot of scars... She took most of her robes off. But then they had a fire and a roast lamb between them, and set off to go do magic.
A wind stole Amethyst and left a sand version of her behind. Danielle and Dirk took it to the hospital to try to bring it to life.