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A song of ice and WHAT?

Scorpion infestations are not the worst of it. Sand gets everywhere.


Nov. 7, 2021, 11 a.m.

Hosted By



Amethyst Danielle Dirk Gavin



Lower Amber City

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

The cool weather and occasional rain that are plaguing Amber have at least stopped the water fountain from being needed so much. Filinia built a bolted-together metal frame around it, and then a gang tried to steal the metal, and so now there is just a lightweight wood and canvas building once more. This building has scribble in red all over it. The rain avoids it. It seems that Filinia is not the only person who has been protecting the fountain.

Gavin and Amy were studying the fountain just the other day. And then they went to the hospital basement curiously. Now however, Amy is back checking the fountain again. She has made it a habit to stop by daily. If anyone else is there, then she will greet them and chat a bit. It's usually on her way to or from the hospital. Right now, she's standing there studying the red scribble on the wood and canvas building, thoughtfully.

Danielle comes walking towards the fountain, eyeing it dubiously as if not certain it's thekey to salvation, destruction or something precariously in between. However this has become part of danielle's daily to do, her rounds so there is curiosity more than any urgency to her approach

Dirk walks up to the fountain and pokes his finger in it and stirs the waters. "Hello persons of interest. Would it be a bad thing if I turned into my Dad? Just asking?"

Garin does not in fact scribble, but some people would say her handwriting is terrible when she is doing magical writing. Those people would probably be right, but might also be thrown out of the area for their own safety. Right now, the grumpy mage is nowhere in sight. There are several new glyphs on the wooden uprights. Several light up and glow when Dirk approaches, and they glow more when he touches the water.


"Who is your Father?" Gavin asks Dirk and then moves to slip an arm around Amy. "Hello you. Is the fountain doing anything? The scribbles don't seem too happy with Dirk." He though offers Danielle a wave, "Hello."

Dirk says "Caine." and keeps stiring the water.

"Or they're very happy with him, I'm not sure," Amy says. She looks over at Dirk though, at his comment. "I think you should be you, not become anyone else. It seems a better bet to me. Mind you, if you want to do similar things to your parents, I expect that would be reasonable."

More of the glyphs light up, although the word 'Caine' does not make any of them explode, which is a good thing. From her vantage point, studying them, Danielle can see that many on the southern side are brighter than the rest.

Gavin frowns, "Hard pass."

Danielle waves to Gavin and Amy "if you mean if you were to liteally pop out of existence and caine were to appear..."She eyes the fountain "yes that would be presently unwelcome" She move slowly closer to the southern side of the fountain "Don't go getting any such notion now" she admonishes the fountain

Dirk says, "I mean more like being like him."

The lights get suddenly brighter, so that those standing elsewhere can see Danielle suddenly has a yellow-red set of reflections. The dull day seems much warmer around her, at least visually. Bright. It is all bright.

Amethyst rolls with advantage -1 at difficulty 15, using no talents or gifts.
The result is a success.

Amy nods to Dirk slowly. "I don't know enough about your dad to be able to say," is her reply. She does look over to Gavin at his comment, wrinkling her nose. "I'm good and the fountain's writing and such seem to be reacting to us all, somehow. It's very strange. Or well, it's reacting to Dirk and Danielle. Maybe your name has to start with a D?"

Dirk puts the hand that has the signet ring in it to the water.

Gavin rolls with advantage 0 at difficulty 15, using notice.
The result is a success.


Gavin seems to be watching what all is going on with the fountain and Danielle. The place is getting a bit warmer. "I am quite happy I'm not Davin, then."

The signet ring touching the water was probably not the thing that made Danielle light up - the timing is wrong. Still, there is a smell of dry, hot air around the time that Dirk does that.

Danielle tries to sheild her eyes from the light for a moment but then steadies herself letting her other senses of the magic variety reach out to asses

Amy laughs softly at Gavin's comment, leaning in against him. She looks over towards Danielle, and then she blinks. "It's like there's a haze of heat rising," she says. "Between us and the market stalls - but there shouldn't be one of those, I don't think? I mean, it's not that hot." Amy frowns now, as the temperature seems to be rising. "Okay whoever this is, you've caught our attention, please don't make this a desert."


"There's a heat haze across the square." Gavin says as he lets go of Amy and moves toward the location to further investigat the scene.

Danielle rolls with advantage 1 at difficulty 20, using occult,magic sense.
The result is a success.

As Danielle starts to concentrate, she can feel a sense of age, a dryness that is unnatural, and the incoming scream of a whirlwind, in ears that exist only as magical theories. It feels to her like something is pushing into Amber.

Dirk blinks and looks around a bit. "crap.'

The heat haze looks much more obvious now. The stall-holders, fine bell-wethers for danger, are clearing out in a hurry.

Dirk says, "What's go I need on?"


As sometimes happend Danielle reacts physically to what is in reality a mental impression and starts a fit of coughing but she presses forward spaking in between coughs as she tries to mentally get a sense if there's anything sentient to communicate with "you don't cough cough* have to do this...can we help?"

The heat haze, now yellow-brown, begins to let out sprays of sand, each of which, unerringly, flicks towards the fountain and the group there.

"Oh really now," Amy remarks. "Could you all not find a nicer way to say hi?" There's exasperation in the petite blonde's voice, and a hint of irritation as well.

Dirk closes his eyes and puts his head down as he raises his collar to protect his face.


"Well Last time there were scoprions." Gavin says as he hit by sand in the face looking away. He turns away to shield himself slightly.

Hot wind, dry as the desert, is Amy's only answer. Some of the sand falls short of the fountain's structure. Of the rest, what reaches the wooden risers and the glyphs slows down considerably, but it is still unpleasant.

Dirk nods "We'll take care of any bugs right?"

Amethyst rolls with advantage 1 at difficulty 20, using occult, pattern initiate.
The result is a success.

Danielle sighs "well the fountain seems to be a conduit to more than one location. Whether this a welcone development I cannot say

For some reason, much of the sand is avoiding Danielle, even as the wind blows. That might later come up as an interesting question.

To Amethyst, it feels like slow, wide, ancient things are here. There is no now, among the powers around her, only 'forever'. The comforting presence of the Pattern itself is still beneath it all, however.

Amethyst rolls with advantage 1 at difficulty 20, using occult, pattern meditation.
The result is a success.

The sand dies down. Revealed are three skeletal beings, armed with curved swords and in tattered, ancient armour made of what looks like crocodile skin. Each moves identically, the same heft of blade, and each charges without a word. The only difference between them is their heads; one has a human skull, one that of some kind of carnivore, and one, the one in the middle, has a giant beetle instead of a face - unless it is a surreal sort of helmet. That would make more sense.
They are coming straight for Dirk.

Dirk draws his sword and waits to see what exactly is going on.

"Please," Amy says to Dirk with a nod. Though that sense of stubborn irritation is rising, she can nearly taste it. She turns to face the lights and where she thinks the heat is strongest. "That is better. A little. What is it you want?" is the next question she asks. "We don't need to have our faces shoved in it, you know. Try talking." Her eyes widen as she concentrates, and then there's a muttered, "Uh oh." Just as the skeletal beings attack.

Filinia flips a coin. The result is: Heads

Gavin rolls with advantage 1 at difficulty 20, using combat, combat trained.
The result is a success.

Difficulty has been set to 20 in this area.

Dirk rolls with advantage 1 at difficulty 20, using combat, combat trained.
The result is a failure.

As the three figures appear and charge, Gavin draws his blade and goes rushing in to intercept the one with head of a Carnivourious beast. His blade cutting out, "Perhaps, one day we will learn not to be cocky in the matter." He calls out as he goes to stab the warrior. "So why are you here?"

Danielle blinks taken aback by this rapid turn to definite hostilities but seems to be waiting to see if the others need aid before jumping in

The sharp-toothed beast hardly deviates in its course, for Gavin has moved to where it was running. It knows how to use that big, sharp blade - a two-handed thrust comes in fast, at his face.

Dirk starts to maneuver out of Gavin's way to give him room. He's about to attack the beetle faced one.

Amy's hands are at her hips, arms akimbo, she glares at the three skeletons and if looks could kill they'd be stone right now. However, she doesn't quite make it to previous heights of anger, and she simply backs to the fountain, as the incoming skelethings arrive.

Two of the beasts go straight for Dirk; beetle, and skull-face. He has an unexpected ally, though. From the window of a warehouse nearby there is a dark-cloaked figure watching, and she has a staff, and she points it at the skull-faced one and there is a ringing sound, and the skeleton is blasted sideways, impacting against the ground hard as it lands. Colonel Garin - Tanya to friends - was not far away.

The beetle-faced thing has a curved sword, sharp on the inside as well as the outside, and an expert grip. It comes in, feints high, and then hooks the sword sideways to punish any parry.


As the sharp blad comes two handed trusting in at Gavin, he dodges out of the way showing him more agile than he seemed. "This is not how you make friends or ask for help." Then Gavin moves in with a series of quick strikes and slashes meant to disable the beast and it's defenses before going in for a killing blow.

Dirk joins

Those who study biology will know what faces Gavin, or rather, does not face - will know what skulls Gavin. It is a jackal skull, both predator and carrion-eater. His sword cuts at old tendons and slices through armour that crackles around it, breaking with age and dryness. Finally, although it has threatened him a few times, he has a clear shot at the spine.

Dirk attacks the skull one now. He yells "screw you!" and unleashes his anger on the skull.

To those who look with magical eyes, it is clear these things are held together with magic. To those who were looking with even deeper senses, it seems these things hardly exist, save that they are the nexus and centre of the oldness.

Danielle stands ready to attempt her own strike should gavin or dirk miss. fighting is not her forte, she will not let her friend perish if she can help it

Amy uses the Pattern as a focus, watching the fight, identifying where there is magic, if not what sort. She watches with some fascination the intricacies of the pull and push, taking a deep breath if it seems her friends are in danger. For now, there is a quiet about her though.

The skull-based creature, just getting up, is not the true problem, alas. Beetle-face lets Dirk expose a flank and then lashes out with the great sword. Dirk's left hand falls away from the curve of ancient metal. Beetle-face grabs the hand from midair, which is a physically impossible feat - Danielle sees a flash of some kind of magic as it happens - and runs for the shimmering heat haze.

Definitely to Amy, the cut unleashed a greater sense of oldness.


Gavin's blade cuts throught he spine of the Jackel beast. The blade brining the beast low, "Stay down dog." Then he turns just in time to see the Beatle removing Dirk's hand. Gavin lets slip a curse, "Unicorn's tits." Then moves to out a bellow of a battle cry, "Face me, Bug!" He goes rushing in his own charge to try to draw the beast away from the mad noble.

Up at the warehouse window, Colonel Tanya points her staff at the running skeleton, but as she hits it with another ringing blast a shield forms behind it, like the armoured back of a beetle, and while it staggers, it still carries on. Gavin's charge is at an angle, and the wind blows up and the beetle-headed beast keeps running. Magic in the air is obvious; Tanya feels like she should be studying in academies of yore, with a directness and precision to her work. From Amy's point of view, she pushes the old, ancient, heavy feeling aside, but not enough to destroy it.

Dirk stares at the wound on his arm and falls to his knees as the blood leaves his body. He is struggling to keep his breathing calm.

Gavin rolls with advantage 0 at difficulty 20, using athletics.
The result is a success.

Gavin rolls with advantage 1 at difficulty 20, using combat, combat trained.
The result is a success.

Danielle rolls with advantage 1 at difficulty 20, using occult, sorcery.
The result is a success.

Amethyst rolls with advantage 1 at difficulty 20, using healing, healing nature.
The result is a success.

Danielle attempts to move into the skeleten's path and push backward with her hands "Excuse me you missed the line you crossed back there"

The hand goes flying and Amy yelps. Oh good gods, that is terrible! Her eyes widen and she moves, medical training kicking in. She promptly grabs part of her shirt, rips it and then uses it on Dirk's arm, assuming he lets her, working to stop the bleeding. "Dirk! Hang in there."

This distracts her from watching the pretty and old magic everywhere.

For a few moments it looks like the skeleton will make it, and then the magical difficulty added by Danielle - a mystical path-crossing - slows it. Right at the edge of the heat haze, beetle-face is forced to turn. It tosses the bloody trophy behind it as its sword comes up. Now it has two hands. Now, it has two hands free for its sword. Now, and whisper when you say it, it has *only* two hands. But it is still rocking from Danielle's magical shove, as parts of it simply fall away.

Colonel Garin slumps by the window, leaning on the wall as she watches. She is taking no further part in this.

Dirk doesn't fight Amy's medical care at all. He closes his eyes and focuses on calm slow breathing.

The hot desert wind and sand do little to slow the knight as his feet take him closer to the Beetle headed warrior. Gavin's angle at the right direction to over take the warrior. Gavin's sword blade peircing through the back and bursting out of the chest of the warrior. Gavin's work done as the creature slumps to the ground destroyed.

As the creature slumps, so the square returns to normal beyond his vision. The market holders do not try to come back yet, but a few peek out of hiding.

Amy continues to work on the medical issue at ... hand. Ahem. She is competent, gentle and has a great bedside manner. At any rate, she works to give the poor guy as much pain relief as she can. And also, you know to keep him from bleeding out.

An immediate tourniquet, a dressing or two, and Dirk will need some surgery as well... but he is not going to die.


Gavin looks around to see Gavn's hand is missing and not just missing from the Nobleman's body. He frowns, "THat doesn't seem right." Then going over to the beetle faced warrior, and a lop of his blade. Gavin remove that warriors left hand and goes presenting it to Dirk. "It isn't as good but here, have his. It only seems fair."

Dirk just nods. "Ok."

Amy looks appalled. "I'm pretty sure Dirk'll grow a new one?" she offers. Though if you ask her how she knows that, she's not sure. "Maybe?" A pause. "I mean, with medical help, of course."

Dirk leans on Amy and purrs as he snuggles close. His eyes are closed and he's more like a huge tired kitten.


"I'm quite sure. Just felt he needed it." Gavin looks at Amy, "Do you need me to help you move him? I think he may be going into shock."

"Yes, please. We should get him into a room in the hospital and take care of things. Also, we should send someone probably into that building over there," Amy points, "to check on Colonel Garin."

Dirk hugs Amy tight and isn't inclined to let her go.

Dirk may nto be inclined to let Amy go but he finds himself being carried into the hospital none the less to give the healer a chance to work. Gavin nods, "I'll have staff sent that direction."

Later, the staff report having found someone who demanded they make her coffee over a small fire, and then poured half a bottle of gin into it, drinking it with apparent distaste but little ill effect.

Dirk is carried around. "My Amy go raaar turn into a dragon. Eat up jellytons"

Amy chuckles softly. "Sorry, Dirk. I'm a healer, mostly." All the required surgery and such are taken care of, so that Dirk can continue to live long and prosper. Which leaves Amy somewhat tired and so she heads back to the inn.

\ Gavin will be waiting for Amy at the inn with some warm stew and a good mug of warm cider. So it won't be a completely horrible day.

Dirk is a good patient at the hospital. He flirts with anyone he can and needs lots of hugs.

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