By the Fountain
Dec. 5, 2021, 11 a.m.
Hosted By
Lower Amber City
Largesse Level
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Dirk is walking towards the fountain with a tiny black stray kitten in a pouch he wears like a baby carrier.
Amy is seated by the fountain studying the glyphs and scribbling all around it. Maybe she's trying to learn how to do that.
Danielle sits on a bench writing in her journal, perhaps over the previous weeks bizarre happenings. She looks up at Dirk with a nod
Dirk says "How are you guys?" He pets the kitten. "I found this little one."
There's a stillness in the air, the sounds coming from the market suddenly fading out.
"Hi Dirk, I'm okay, thanks. How are you?" Amy says. She glances at the kitten and smiles. "Cute thing," she says easily. The still quiet seems to be not quite noticed by her, but she does rub her arms lightly.
Dirk says, "Is it creepy calm here or is it just me?"
Danielle looks up and nods and smiles at amy, before cocking her head to the side. something has changed looking looking right "not just you" she says
Amy frowns a bit, as she looks at the other two. "Definitely not just you two. Though I'm not sure quite what is going on," she admits.
There's the sound of hoofbeats coming from towards the gate, the only thing that seems to make sound or movement. After a few moments, a multilegged mount appears - not exactly a horse, but well, close enough except for that extra leg or three. It's a tan colour, with sharp teeth, and its rider seems to be humanoid with green skin and fangs. It's carrying a white flag on a stick. There are several other riders behind, but they rather seem to be guards. "We come to petition the King of Amber."
Dirk turns and says "And what do you wish from Amber?" He gives the new arrival a nod of acknowledgement.
"We have need of your wisdom at the Throne of Kings. There is a decision to be made that only the rightful King of Amber can make," is the reply that Dirk is given.
Danielle rolls with advantage -1 at difficulty 20, using no talents or gifts.
The result is a success.
Dirk says, "And what is the deadline for this decision?"
Danielle raises her chin "I see. Well I'm afraid that his majesty is busy. Can we deliver a message perhaps
Amy just stares, quietly.
Markus walks down the street, looking around, and observant as always. Hearing voices, Marcus tries not to pay attention too closely, not wanting to be rude.
The green skinned rider looks for a moment very sad. "I am sorry to hear that. It's vital that we bring His Majesty - Uhm, Doran? Dor - I am sorry we did not get a name from that fish. But - we do require his attention immediately. If you are willing, I can bring you through the fog to the Throne of Kings. You will be safe I promise, as will King Drik."
Dirk says "Dirk?"
Dirk bows. "That would be me."
"That's it," says the green skinned fellow, giving Dirk a big fangy smile. "Your Majesty, we do hope you can come with us. There are many lives hanging in the balance."
Dirk looks to his colleagues. "Are we up for a journey?"
Amy stirs a bit, and then she says, "If there are lives at risk, I'm willing to try to help."
Danielle hms "You lack your own ruler to make such a critical decisions. I urge that we not make any decisions without full assessment of the situatuation but will agree to travel
"It's a bit complicated," says Mr.Green Skin.
Dirk is petting his kitten and listening "How so?"
"Please if you'll just come with me, then our High Priestess will explain everything," he says apologetically. "I'm just the messenger."
"If Dirk is willing to go, I'll go too," Amy says, as she gets to her feet, stretching a bit, and collecting her medical bag out of habit.
Danielle nods "right then?"
"Thank you," Says the green skinned guy. He dismounts, standing on his three legs, beside his mount, and then he starts walking towards the gate, expecting that those who are willing to travel will be coming along with him. "Stay with me, please. It's the fastest way to get to the Throne of Kings."
Dirk follows along quietly.
Amy falls into step beside Dirk, as they start to walk.
Danielle takes position on the opposite side of dirk so hands can be linked if need arises
The messenger continues to walk. As they leave the city, the Fog rises up, but there's a path through that the Messenger takes. It winds a bit, here and there, up and down, and there are as usual those creepy sounds and occasional glimmers of shadows or lights in the foggy distance. Eventually, they arrive on a mountain plateau. It's a red sky, with blue grass, and the flat plateau horizon is broken by what seems to be a small platform in the absolute middle of it. "There it is," says the green skinned Messenger. "The Throne of Kings. Come come, it's not far now. And there you'll find High Priestess Ylbub as well as Hctitch and Naiiawah. They can explain everything to you."
Dirk looks to his companions and nods. "Let us go quickly."
Amy nods and follows along.
Danielle doesn't have much to say but listens and follows
Amy says, "This is very odd - am I the only one who thinks this is odd?"
Dirk says, "No but we have to go see what's up."
"Can't think how else we might learn," Amy agrees.
Markus nods and walks closer to the group. "Sure, I will come along."
Danielle "Odd would be a gross understandment'
Amy grins at Danielle and shrugs. "Well, true, but what else would you call it?" she offers, with a touch of amusement.
Markus enters the fog, and waits for the feeling of change. Exiting on the mountain platform, Markus raises and eye, but remains silent. Looking where the messenger points, Markus follows along, bringing up the rear, his hand ever present on his sword. Just in case.
The walk isn't far. The platform turns out to have a black stone staircase, rising up to a small black dais in a half circle around a very white throne. There is nobody sitting on the throne, but on one side of the throne, there are three rather buglike humanoids, and on the other side, there are three winged humanoids that seem to be more avian. Between them, with hands raised, there is a green skinned, fanged woman wearing a long flowing robe. "Ah good, the King is here." She looks over the group and then adds, "I was expecting someone taller, but never mind that. Which of you is the king? If you would sit on the throne, we'll explain."
Danielle blinks "Why do you not have your own ruler?" trying again to beat that particular horse
Dirk hands the kitten to Danielle.
Dirk walks up and sits on the throne.
"Alas, this throne is for the true King of Amber, and it is only used when we face a crisis such that we have nobody to make the decision. But here you have Princess Hctitch and Princess Naiiawah, each with a claim to the planet that their magics have created together. There are many of us Grioik living there, and the decision to be made is which will lead us."
As Dirk sits on the throne, the white lights up, becoming opalescent, and a brazier comes up just in front of the throne, down three steps, that is lit.
Amethyst rolls with advantage 1 at difficulty 15, using occult, pattern meditation.
The result is a success.
Amy stirs a bit, murmuring, "this is not pattern, but it's definitely magical." In case that wasn't obvious.
Dirk looks at both Princesses. "What is your relationship to each other?"
Markus looks closely at the surroundings.
Markus rolls with advantage 0 at difficulty 15, using notice.
The result is a success.
Danielle adds to dirk's query "why is joint rulership not possible?
"I am the Princess-goddess Hctitch, and this land is mine by right," says the insectoid woman. "Plainly as any can see, I am the one who has breathed life into this world, and my creations should populate it." She doesn't directly answer the other two, but the other princess jumps in, with, "I am the Princess-Goddess Naiiawah, and without my dark and my landscape, Hctitch's life would have nothing on which to exist. The land is mine by right."
The High Priestess is staring though. "When the True King sits on the Throne of Kings, then the light shall shine from all and it shall be inescapable. Are you certain you are the true king of Amber? It's - you must be, as the throne only reacts to the true king." A pause. "But never have I seen it not completely react, in the past."
Amy looks from one to the other, nodding at both Dirk's and Danielle's questions. She doesn't really have anything to add here.
Dirk says "I am the king of Amber as she stands now. But I have a way to solve this issue, if you desire to hear it."
Danielle hms "Dirk is of the blloodline of Amber's kings which would likely account for the reaction. I have something an idea if you would like advice
There is a mutinous look from both princesses. "How can he be the true king of Amber, if the full light does not shine?" asks Hctitch. "I am not willing to listen to him."
Naiiawah smirks, and replies, "Come now, you see the change in the throne. Obivously he is who he says. We are bound to follow the ruling of the True King."
Hctitch stomps three feet, and shakes her head, quite obviously not convinced. "Even his advisors do not call him King. This is an impostor!" is hissed.
The High Priestess looks very skeptical, but she's simply standing back.
Naiiawah, exasperated, calls upon a large magical force and the sky darkens as she seems to grow larger. "Do not try my patience! You said we had to wait for the true king. Here he is, and now you fuss over whether this is the one you wish? Stop this silliness right now!"
Dirk yells "Princesses! Put your land and people first!" He says "You were both essential to life on your world!"
Amy takes a breath, eyeing the magic she can see. Not that she can tell much, other than it is power. "Uhm, I don't think it's really very safe here any more," she offers.
Danielle hms "The king is missing. We no not where he is or the timing of his return. Nonetheless Dirk is right. You are both essential to this world and must arrive at accord of some kind. We can consider the matter further as we continue our search for the king
Hctitch, not to be outdone, calls up her own magic, and suddenly there are armies of insects, taking on avians of all sizes and shapes. The air is thick with them, drenched with the magic of the two Goddesses. The High Priestess and Messenger simply take off running for safety. Anywhere but here.
"See?" shouts Hctitch. "He's not the king, even his own people admit it!" Now there's a look of outrage on all the faces, as they turn to face those folks from Amber.
Danielle rolls with advantage 0 at difficulty 25, using influence.
The result is a success.
Dirk gets up off the throne and moves towards insect princess. If he gets there he tries to pick her up.
Dirk rolls with advantage 0 at difficulty 25, using no talents or gifts and spending will.
The result is a failure.
Danielle hms "If you wish the advice of the true king, you must wait longer, but perhaps you can help us find him. Is there anything beside the throne that can identify our king so that we may find a bring him to you.
Dirk rolls with advantage 1 at difficulty 25, using combat , combat trained and spending will.
The result is a failure.
"Only the true king may provide advice. You have no true king, you are of no use to us," says Hctitch, the insectoid princess. She simply steps away from Dirk, and now the insects are all buzzing at him, warningly. There are all kinds of "getting ready to attack" sounds. As Dirk gets off the throne, the colour goes back to plain white, and the fire in the central brazier goes out.
Even Naiiawah who had been on the side of our adventurers turns on them now too. "Leave now, while you can," she says solidly. "I'm going to skin that fish."
"I think we should maybe take her advice?" Amy says softly.
Dirk heads away...
As the group evacuates, the armies fade down. "That idea didn't work as expected. Now what?" comes the plaintive cry from Naiiawah. "We can't really rule together, can we?" That's the last that they hear, as it seems Danielle's words are perhaps slowly sinking in.
There was a period of quiet at the fountain, but then some messenger showed up, and a group of folks left. I heard someone refer to "King Drik!" There's a pause. "Wait, there's a new king? That's - I don't know what to think about that!"
Markus remains in the background, absorbing everything, including the layout and the tactical situation, which was not good. As his father before him, Markus is a man of few words. His only words in regards to everything that happened and is happening is, "Interesting."
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