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No trouble at all (Probably)

No spiders. No goats. No horrible flaming lasso bleating terror. It's all going to be good and quiet.


May 9, 2021, noon

Hosted By



Amethyst Lucafrase Kynan Vitas



Lower Amber City

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

It is a cold, snowy day. A dusting of grubby white lies over the world, making even the lower city look picturesque, but also making it look cold.

There are many people shuffling through the cold, but only one of them apparently unable to handle it at all. Filinia is standing in the middle of the lower city square, gazing upward at the big snowflakes.

Wait. Snow? Really? Too bad there's not enough to play in! Or at least, not yet. Amy doesn't seem bothered by the snow fall, though she does blow a flake away from the tip of her nose as she walks from the hospital back towards the inn.

Filinia bats away snowflakes, wincing at them.

Lucafrase, swathed in whatever she could beg, borrow or... ehm... 'appropriate,' is pacing nervously about her wares. Bowls, flatware, simple hand-tools, all aptly turned by a skilled carpenter. Examples are laid on a blanket for display, although her excited pitch is somewhat hampered by the climate. Mainly she paces, breath *puf-puf-puffing,* awaiting interested customers.

It looks like Filinia is fighting the snow. The thin woman is retreating backwards, away from it, which is an effort pre-doomed to failure. Back, back, away... and towards Lucafrase's stall.

Kynan is walking around the area, examining this building, wall, part of wall, post, not-warehouse-turned-pottery shop... the latter getting a little more attention as he actually looks inside briefly. If it's still abandoned as he expects, he tosses a bit of food onto the floor, in case the resident cat is still calling this place a home.

Amy waves a hand to Luca, catching sight of the one selling her wares. She flashes a grin, but truthfully, her attention is distracted by Filinia. So she heads that way. "Hi Filinia, are you okay?" she asks, curiously.

\Through his window, Vitas watches the snow fall out of the sky with a strange urge to run around in circles and catch flakes on his tongue. While barking happily. It's a weird thought, but Vita's brain-pan is a hotbed for exotic recipes. Vitas is healing, but not yet healed. At least he's not a total cripple. Any more. Still, if he's to go outside in this weather, he should take his good friend 'Stick' along. It might be slippery. **Vitas fetches Stick** He heads to the Lowers . . .

The smell of rotten food greets Kynan, but it is not as bad as before, so there is definitely change happening within. The cat smell is lessened as well. But ahah! Half a dead rat, over there. The cat is likely still within.

Filinia says, "The frigging sky's falling, so no, I don't think so..." Filinia looks down, but not for long. "How in hell do we get this back up?"

Lucafrase greets Amy in kind, warning Filina: "Miss-- you'll take a ladle to the heel. Go skating on a bowl. Treacherous footing." She attempts to interpose herself between her wares and the backstepping party...

The dead rat, or its half, fails to attack Kynan.

Filinia stops going backwards, but still stares upwards.

Amy blinks and literally has a moment of complete stop. Blink. Blink. "We don't," she replies gently. "But it will melt when it warms up again. It's called snow and it's a natural thing. It's frozen water." A pause and then, "Hey, Luca. Have you two met?"

Filinia says, "What in the ever-living what?"

Kynan goes inside. Seeing that by now, no owner is likely to return, he decides to open one of the windows enough for the cat to enter and leave as it chooses, rather than leaving the door open which might attract looters. He glances about a little more for signs of any other changes, then leaves. Noticing the gathering of some people that he knows, he heads in their direction.

There is no visible sign of the cat, but definitely olfactory evidence. And now there is a window open, just a little.

Lucafrase shakes her head? "I've been preoccupied, I guess? Busting fog where I find it." A nod. "... ma'am."

Filinia looks down at Lucafrase. "What is this?" She gestures to the sky. "How do you people live this way?"

Filinia looks, if truth be told, like she needs another layer of clothing and maybe a warm meal.

As Kynan arrives, Amy waves his way as well. She then turns to say, "It's a season - summer, fall, winter, spring. Warm in summer, cold in winter. I think - you need a trip to the inn for a nice warm bowl of soup. Also, is there anyone selling clothing in this town?" She then grins, and adds, "Luca, this is Filinia. Filinia, this is Lucafrase. And that's Kynan." There.

\Vitas and Stick trundle along. Slowly. But there's no rush. And Vitas' limp -is- much improved, so they -are- making decent progress. Before long, Vitas arrives. Goodness, something smells like a human left the garbage open. MMMM delicious. Vitas **sniff-sniffs** happily. Vitas looks about. If anything, Vitas seems -invigorated- by the cold. Probably due to the fur he doesn't have. Vitas waves Stick in greetings as he and Stick complete their slow journey. "Greetings!" says Vitas. Stick doesn't say anything; but Stick -is- waved. Stick doesn't mind; he's used to such things...

Lucafrase checks with Amethyst. 'You people?' she mouths, curious? A gesture, a... 'huh?'

Filinia admits, "Hey," in greeting to Lucafrase, but does not seem mollified.

People either wave back at Vitas, or cross the road to avoid him; something to do with a large, cheery person waving a makeshift cudgel while not looking threatening, perhaps.

Amy shrugs to Luca. "It's Filinia, she's - grown up in a strange place."

Kynan nods to all as he nears. "Good day." The introduction hopefully reduced Lucafrese's urge to flee, dressed as he is. But then again, most of the populous around here seems to largely ignore him, now..., so perhaps he is mostly harmless. "This is one of the colder days I have experienced here since my return. You should dress more warmly," he directs to Luca and Filinia in particular. "But in lieu of that for now..." He directs his staff to an empty patch of ground to the side, muttering words in a language long dead. A slim pillar of fire springs up, about people-height, providing a bit of warmth. More if you get close.

Lucafrase nods, satisfied. "Hey. Snow is slick, but it's not dangerous. Just need a few extra layers. I'm a carpenter, not a weaver--" she asks Kynan, "-- mittens? Anyone around here do mittens?"

The aforenamed Filinia gives Lucafrase a glare, and then shrugs. She turns her attention to Kynan, and stares at his fire, and then back at him, and then she shuffles closer to it. "Oh, carpenter?" She turns to look at the woman's wares. "You set up a lathe?"

\Stick is, quite understandably, going to be somewhat nervous around Sudden Pillars of Fire. This is because Stick is flammable and fire burns stuff. And so Vitas thoughtfully transfers Stick into his other paw, the one further from the flames. For some reason this paw has fingers, so that works out quite well actually. Easier than expected even. "Any more Spider Symbols where the brick wall used to be? Or elsewhere?" Vitas is, quite understandably, going to be somewhat nervous around spider symbols. This is because Vitas is stabbable and Giant Spiders do tend to stab stuff. As Vitas now knows!

Over on the south side of the square, there is a crowd gathering for some kind of parade. The Unicorn-marked people have been doing this more often lately.

Lucafrase admits, quietly: "In a corner of the castle, yeah. Cleaner, drier, fewer distractions."

Amy grins at Luca's admission, and she moves a bit closer to the fire's warmth, showing that it is safe. Vitas' arrival gets a long look from the healer, and she smiles. "Vitas, you're looking good."

Filinia asks, "Where do you get your tool metal? I'mma close to stabbing someone for a decent high-grade steel around here."

Kynan shakes his head at Vitas. "Nothing new has appeared to my knowledge. However, this snow does make it difficult to examine every surface quickly. It it was critical, perhaps a quick wave of fire would clear the ground up. But for now, I think I will let it be."

Lucafrase says, "Kyrie bargained-- maybe won it in a blackjack game? She-- she found me enough to make a set of tools."

Filinia nods slowly, thoughtfully. Her eyes fall to the tools that Lucafrase is showing off. "It's a hard job, rebuilding things."

\Vitas nods happily at the welcome absence of giant spiders, and spider regalia. **wag wag wag** wags Vitas' nonexistent tail, nonexistingly. ((no existo! no existo!)) Vitas to Amy: "Aye, feeling better! I must have a -fantastic- physician" Vitas grins. My my, such white teeth!

The dancers and procession are performing with several pig puppets, for some reason. Children are applauding, despite the falling snow.

Lucafrase steps closer to Kynan's blaze, by a few inches. Rubs her hands together. "It's my way of contributing?" She confesses to Amy: "... I see we've found a few trees. Perhaps Maggie can have her boat someday."

Amy chuckles at Vitas' teasing, and she half shrugs. "You're welcome. I do like good patients." Mind you - she does not seem worried about white teeth. or sharp teeth really. She nods to Luca. "I am hopeful that she can," she says with a nod. "As can others who would like it. It does seem we've expanded this city a lot from where it started."

Filinia asks, "Trees? Found what where? I'm outta loops."

The pig dancers make their clumsy clown way into the square, to be greeted by a man on stilts, with a show spear. He is some kind of dancer.

Kynan mutters in that strange language every so often, re-strengthening the fire pillar as it periodically wanes. He glances towards the crowd and performers. "That seems to be a rather odd performance. Is the celebration for any particular reason? Is this Amber Pig Day, perhaps? Not that I ever knew Amber to have a Pig Day..."

"outside the city gate," Amy says. "There seem to be a few trees." That to Fil. Then she follows Kynan's gaze and observes, "Oh, did they give up on goat? Shall we assume that roast boar is on the menu today?"

\Vitas shrugs. It's all fine to him. Pigs are delicious. As long as it's not Spider Day. "As long as it's -not- Spider Day . . ." Vitas points out. Vitas **sniff sniff sniff*'s just a tad, on the faint hope that, well, there might be BACON!?!?!?!

Lucafrase explains. "One of our refugees was a sailor who'd asked me to attempt repair of a boat? I wasn't able to save anything in the harbor, but I learned some techniques from observing the wrecks. I might be able to start a new boat, given enough wood..."

There is a sudden scuffle, and the dancer's stilts slip on the icy snow, and he falls. He lands mostly-upright, but from there continues down to the ground. More snow, more problem.

Filinia says, "See? It's gonna kill people!"

Filinia then shamefacedly brings her attention back to Lucafrase. "I more work with metal to be honest. But wood's fine if it's what you got."

Lucafrase rolls with advantage 1 at difficulty 15, using repair, manufacturing and spending will.
The result is a success.

Amy sighs a bit, and she heads over to the stilts dancer. "Hey, you okay?" she calls. She appears to have walked on snow before, knowing the way of it.

Lucafrase quickly repurposes a wicker chair and some spare gut (cat, rat, otherwise-- who's to know) and ably tacks together a pair of snowshoes. "I think I may've found my first seasonal item..."

Kynan says, "Since my last foray to the cliffs, at the moment it does not seem like there is anywhere one could go with a boat. At least, without entering that fog. Though perhaps one might be able to fish a bit further from the docks. More food would be good."

The dancer winces from the floor. "Yes, I just need to get up..." What he means is 'no'. His ankle is probably badly sprained, nothing more.

Filinia says dubiously, "I did see a place with food. But I don't know if you're gonna like it."

Filinia gives Kynan and Vitas a look, like she is measuring them up for not-liking.

Kynan says, "I have eaten my fair share of... dubious things... while traveling in rather unsavory places. Fire can make some things a bit more palatable. Lots of fire, at times." He considers. "Given the fog's propensity to produce rather inconvenient things, has anyone ever tried to get it to produce more docile things? Like boneless, harmless, chickens?"

Filinia says, "Ain't going near that stuff. But what I mean is, I think I know a food hoard. Maybe. A bit."

The snowshoes in Lucafrase's hands look basic but workable, and a couple of passers-by are definitely eyeing them.

"They'd probably drop on our heads," Amy muses to Kynan. "And be heavy enough to squish us." She laughs aloud, the sound light and musical. "That's excellent, Luca - great idea!"

Lucafrase admits: "It's fully within what we know of the fog to deliver a chicken whose bones have been stolen. Gross."

\Vitas seems worried. Boneless, harmless chickens don't sound like they'd be much fun to chase...

The dancer, ankle bound, does not try out his stilts once more. However, the pigs that are dancing have put on a good show, mostly dying around him with horrifying squeals.

Amy has a wrap and she uses it on the poor dancer's ankle. Maybe along with a magic touch. "It's going to take 6 to 8 weeks to be back to normall, longer if you don't rest it. But the wrap thing will make it easier." she tells the dancer.

Kynan says, "Amber always relied on trade to sustain the economy for those who could not Walk to get what they needed. I imagine that there is barely enough food to be found to meet the need of everyone. Vermin makes for a sparse diet. And weather like this makes it much more unpleasant to be starving."

He sighs, and that's him out of the dance. Still, those pigs are pretty. They have real tusks and everything.

Filinia adds, "And I'm not sure if people find it, that things'll be better. But those unicorn guys are giving out food. And they have a lot."

Lucafrase says, "Most of us are beggars, not choosers. I would think."

\Vitas' nonexisting whiskers twitch worriedly. Where are 'those Unicorn guys' getting the food -from-? Last encounter they seemd to imply that they had been stealing it. "Where's their food coming from?" Vitas wonders.

Kynan considers for a moment. "There might be an intact warehouse or two that they have found. But that would only last for so long..."

Filinia says, "Yeah, right," in answer to Vitas. "So anyhow, really, is that so bad it's broken? It seems like people are mostly getting fed..." To Kynan she says, "Yeah. An' how can we trade? This is it. It's what we got."

Amy shrugs. "Not sure," is her answer there. "But - right, what Kynan says. On the other hand, there is now water and a bit of land visible, so it's possible to start getting more food. Not as much as if through trade, but some." She smiles to Filinia. "If we fix it though, then we should be able to trade. I think."

Filinia nods, slowly. "So, I'm hearin' we don't want to raid a food warehouse?"

Lucafrase lifts chin? She seems to wonder what everyone else is keen on...

Kynan says, "I am perfectly willing to play fog-roulette for food if it comes to it. Leave the warehouse, if there is one, and the give aways to those to need it." And then to Amy, "Growing food would depend on some stable weather, which has also been questionable." He glances up to see flakes still falling. "If even the seasons are random, agriculture is probably not possible."

Filinia hmms. "Kaaay. If we can get glass, we can build. But not to feed a city."

\"Fffffoooooooooooooddddddd." explains Vitas' tummy to Vitas, rumblingly. "Food good yes," Stomach adds, by way of the details. In case Vitas is dense or something. Vitas' brain wonders: Is there a way to unify all the unicorn sects? And bring them back into haromious alignment? Perhaps via a unifying symbology represnting the -whole- of the Unicorn? Stomach-to-Vitas: "-Get- food. Put here." Stomach is really starting to question Brain's cognitive acumen.

Two of the people running pigs are getting into an argument. As they are still *dressed* as pigs, and have their giant costumed puppet heads on, this is more than usually disruptive. For one, they are looking like they want to charge each other, but sounding like this is a real argument, between the people under the costumes.

Amy thinks about that and then she nods to Kynan. "I'd also be willing to risk myself in the fog to bring back supplies. We've done so before." She looks at the disruptive pigs, and shakes her head. "Hey, do you lot want broken ankles too?" Okay, it's not broken but what's a little hyperbole between argumentative pigs and a healer?

Filinia stares at Vitas. "Are you gonna explode?"

The argumentative pigs say, "Sorry, miss healer," and shut up. Apparently Amethyst has face in this place.

\Vitas to those assembled: "I was wondering. . . Is there a way to unify all of the unicorn sects? And bring them back into a more harmonious alignment? Perhaps via a unifying symbology representing the -whole- of the Unicorn? It might be possible to develop a Rite whereby each sect sends a representative to the Church, for Her Blessing . . ." Vitas elaborates by way of explanation to those gathered herein. "Go fud u Idiot," Vitas' Stomach elaborates by way of explanation to Vitas.

Filinia looks at Vitas, first down, then up. "They're kinda doing it, by fighting over doctrine. But maybe? And I guess that's a broken thing too... you gonna fix it?" Maybe out of pity, she fishes in her shabby clothes and pulls out a slightly oily bit of jerky, offering it over.

Kynan says to Amy, "I have yet to actually venture into the fog... or rather venture back into the fog. Perhaps it could make deliveries instead. At least I doubt we would have to tip whatever makes those deliveries."

"We could see if we could find that jungle clearing again. That was really useful - we got a fair bit of supplies there," Amy observes.

Lucafrase's eyebrows jump. "Does it move around?" she asks Amy?

Amy shrugs to Luca. "You've been in the fog, can you tell if you're going the same way twice in a row?" is her bewildered answer. "I mean, I've gone to A jungle clearing twice now, but heck if I know if it was the same one."

Lucafrase says, "... fair point."

Filinia says, "Wait, you go *into* the fog? You're all mad."

Fil's answer has Amy laugh. The petite blonde shrugs. "Very probably. But - can you think of any other way to get much needed supplies?" Then to Vitas. "I think it would be a good idea. Kyrie was working on it, so you might check with her and maybe work together? There are a lot of bits that need fixing - if we can eatch sort of spearhead something, I'm sure things will get better."

Filinia shudders, and then her expression chances, slowly. "If you *do* happen to find some tool steel. Anna horsepower engine. Just sayin'."


Kynan says, "If any of you go again, I would like to join. Seeing the fog from the inside would be fascinating." This probably proves Filinia's point.

Lucafrase shakes her head, wry. "That's more whittling than I think I have in me."

Filinia looks wistful, possibly about the idea of tool steel.

Amy looks to Kynan. "I'll plan a trip out. It's probably time for us to go look for more supplies," she says. "And sure, Filinia, we'll keep our eyes open. Certainly, there were no such things in the jungle clearing we found last time. I guess we might have to figure out a new place to go."

Lucafrase says, "If no one else minds, I might get a bowl of whatever's hot from the communal kitchens, there..."

Filinia says, "I c'n look after your place. If you don' mind." This may or may not surprise people who know her.

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