Running and participating in plots! View Usage:
plots[/old] [<plot ID>][=<beat ID>]
plots/timeline <plot ID>
Plot Usage:
plots/pitch <name>/<summary>/<desc>/<GM Notes>[=<plot ID if subplot>]
plots/rfr <ID>[,<beat ID>]=<message to staff of what to review>
plots/add/clue <plot ID>=<clue ID>/<how it's related to the plot>
plots/add/revelation <plot ID>=<revelation ID>/<how it's related>
plots/add/theory <plot ID>=<theory ID>
plots/tag <plot ID>[,<beat ID>]=<tag topic>
plots/search <tag topic>
Beat Usage:
plots/createbeat <plot ID>=<IC summary>/<ooc notes of consequences>
plots/add/rpevent <rp event ID>=<beat ID>
plots/add/action <action ID>=<beat ID>
plots/add/gemit <gemit ID>=<beat ID>
plots/add/flashback <flashback ID>=<beat ID>
plots/editbeat <beat ID>=<IC summary>/<ooc appended note>
Cast Usage:
plots/invite [<plot ID>=<character>,<casting option*>]
*casting options: required, main, supporting, extra
plots/invitations (alias: plots/outstanding)
plots/accept [<ID>][=<IC description of character's involvement>]
plots/leave <ID>
plots/perm <ID>=<participant>/<gm, recruiter, or player>
plots/cast <ID>=<participant>/<new casting option>
plots/storyhook <ID>=<recruiter>/<Example plot hook for meeting>
plots/findcontact <Secret ID>
plots/rewardrecruiter <plot ID>=<recruiter>
The plots command can be used to pitch storyline ideas. Open a ticket
for GM approval of your plot with /pitch. If approved, you become its
owner. Pitch requires a name, a one-sentence summary, a longer IC
description, and OOC notes on what it aims to accomplish. Your pitch can
reference another plot if you want to run a subplot of something larger.
Plots can be tagged for easy search by topic. Clues, revelations, and
theories may be added, with notes to show staff why they're connected.
Advance a plot with beats: events or actions that progress it. Example,
after a relevant event, GM uses /createbeat to summarize the plot update.
Tie the event to this beat with /add/rpevent, then show it to staff with
/rfr (request for review). Staff will change the world appropriately.
Set plot permissions with /perm. Owners are administrators. GMs create
beats; anyone may edit. Recruiters are contacts for newcomers. Casting
options define how essential someone is: 'Required' cast must be present;
plot is about them. 'Main' cast is involved in most events. 'Supporting'
may be present sometimes, and 'Extra' indicates guest appearances.
GMs should be Supporting cast at most.
Plots are typically hidden until you are invited, but if your secret is
a plot hook, the /findcontact switch lists recruiter characters who are
points of contact for a plot. Their storyhook should give ideas of how
characters might discover they are involved. Arrange a RP scene with one
to pursue the plot. If you are recruited to join a plot, you can use
/rewardrecruiter to acknowledge the character who recruited you. This does
not currently provide any rewards on Shards, but this may change in future.
See your invitations with plots/invitations.