@cal - Creates events and displays information about them.
@cal [<event number>]
@cal/comments <event number>=<comment number>
@cal/create [<name>]
Creation or Editing:
@cal/desc <description>[=<event ID>]
@cal/date <date>[=<event ID>]
@cal/largesse <level>[=<event ID>]
@cal/location [<room name, otherwise room you're in>][=<event ID>]
@cal/plotroom [<plot room ID>][=<event ID>]
@cal/private <on or off>[=<event ID>]
@cal/host <playername>[=<event ID>]
@cal/gm <playername>[=<event ID>]
@cal/invite <player or org name>[,name,...][=<event ID>]
@cal/uninvite <player or org name>[=<event ID>]
@cal/roomdesc <description>[=<event ID>]
@cal/risk <risk value>[=<event ID>]
@cal/plot <plot ID #>[=<event ID>]
@cal/starteventearly <event ID>
@cal/cancel <event ID>
@cal/endevent <event ID>
@cal/movehere <event ID>
@cal/join <event ID>
@cal/sponsor <org>,<social resources>=<event ID>
Date should be in 'MM/DD/YY HR:MN' format. All times are in EST.
/private toggles whether the event is public or private (defaults to
public). To spend extravagant amounts of money in hosting an event
for prestige, set the /largesse level. To see the valid largesse types
with their costs and prestige values, do '@cal/largesse'. Prestige is
divided among hosts present, or if no hosts are present goes fully to the
main host. Private events give half prestige.
To mark an event as a player-run-plot, use /addgm to designate a
player as the storyteller for the event. Please only use this for a
player who is actually running an event with some form of plot that
requires checks to influence the outcome.
When starting an event early, you can specify '=here' to start it in
your current room rather than its previous location. /movehere allows
an event to be moved to the new room you occupy while in progress.
If an event takes place off the grid, you can @cal/join the event to
be teleported to the room, for easy gathering of the group.
If you want to mark an event private or public so that it can be viewed
by people who didn't attend it on the web, use /toggleprivate.