@org <name>
@org/invite <player>[=<org name>]
@org/setrank <player>=<rank>[, <org name>]
@org/setdesc <player>=<desc>[, <org name>]
@org/boot <player>[=<org name>]
@org/setruler <player>[=<org name>]
@org/perm <type>=<rank>[, <org name>]
@org/motd <message>[=<org name>]
@org/rankname <name>=<rank>[, <org name>][,male or female]
@org/memberview <player>[=<org name>]
@org/secret <player>[=<org name>]
@org/addclue <clue #>[=<org name>]
@org/briefing <player>/<clue name>[=<org name>]
@org/addtheory <theory #>[=<org name>]
@org/theorybriefing <player>/<theory #>[=<org name>]
Lists the houses/organizations your character is a member
of. Give the name of an organization for more detailed information.
@org/accept will accept an invitation to join an organization, while
@org/decline will decline the invitation.
@org/perm sets permissions for the organization. Use @org/perm with
no arguments to see the type of permissions you can set.
@org/briefing and @org/theorybriefing work off of the list of clues
and theories associated with the org, which you can see by viewing
the org information itself with @org <name> -- if, for instance,
you checked @org Valardin and saw a clue there called 'Honor in
the Oathlands', you could do @org/briefing <yourname>/Honor in the
Oathlands=Valardin to learn that clue yourself, or the name of
another player to brief them on the clue.