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@plotroom <id>
@plotroom/name <name>
@plotroom/desc <desc>
@plotroom/near <domain>

The first form of this command will list all available plotrooms, for use
on a @calendar event. It will show the rooms the current player has created,
or those which are flagged public. The second form will show the details
for a specific room.

The remaining switches are used to define a new plotroom and add it to the list.
The name should only be the actual room name, like 'Ancient Workshop'. The 'near'
domain will used to build a properly-colored name with all proper prefixes, as
well as to allow staff to easily find where rooms are located. Public toggles
whether or not others can use this plotroom. Wilderness toggles whether or not
the room is in the 'near' domain you put, or just nearby. Finish will submit the
plotroom, and cancel will abort your current effort.

These plotrooms can be used with @cal/plotroom when creating a calendar event.