Views a log
@view_log/report <player>
Views a log of messages sent to you from other players. @view_log with no
arguments lists the log that will be seen by staff if you've submitted a /report.
To view the log of recent messages, use /current. For your last session, use
/previous. /report <player> will go through your logs for messages from the
player and report it to staff. Using /report again will overwrite your existing
flagged log. If you do not want to log messages sent by others, then you may
use @settings/private_mode. GMs cannot read any messages sent to you if that mode
is enabled, so note that they will be unable to assist you if you report harassment.
Current logs will not survive through server restarts, though they are saved as
your previous log after logging out. Messages between two players in the same
private room are never logged under any circumstances.
If you wish to wipe all current logs stored on your character, you can use the
/purge command.