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Crafts an object

craft <recipe name>
craft/name <name>
craft/desc <description>
craft/altdesc <description>
craft/adorn <material type>=<amount>
craft/translated_text <language>=<text>
craft/preview [<player>]
craft/finish [<additional silver to invest>, <action points>
craft/refine <object>[=<additional silver to spend>, <action points>] <-- this is not available currently
craft/changename <object>=<new name>
craft/addadorn <object>=<material type>,<amount>

To start crafting, you must know recipes related to your crafting profession.
Select a recipe then describe the object with /name and /desc. To add extra
materials such as gemstones, use /adorn. No materials or silver are used
until you are ready to /finish the project and make the roll for its quality.

For things such as perfume, the desc is the description that appears on the
character, not a description of the bottle. When crafting masks, the name is
used to identify its wearer: "A Fox Mask" will bestow "Someone wearing A Fox
Mask" upon its wearer, and the altdesc switch is used for their temporary
description. For any desc, ascii can be enclosed in <ascii> tags that
will note to not display them to screenreaders. Use <ascii> and <ascii/> with
the desc between the opening and closing tags.

If the item should contain words in a foreign tongue that you know, use
translated_text to display what the translated words actually say.

To finish a project, use /finish, or /abandon if you wish to stop and do
something else. To attempt to change the quality level of a finished object,
use /refine* (Refining is currently not available.). Refinement cost is based
on how much it took to create, and can never make the object worse. Use
/addadorn to embellish an item with extra materials post-creation.

Craft with no arguments will display the status of a current project.