roll dice
dice[/switch] <nr>d<sides> [modifier] [success condition]
hidden - tell the room the roll is being done, but don't show the result
secret - don't inform the room about neither roll nor result
dice 3d6 + 4
dice 1d100 - 2 < 50
This will roll the given number of dice with given sides and modifiers.
So e.g. 2d6 + 3 means to 'roll a 6-sided die 2 times and add the result,
then add 3 to the total'.
Accepted modifiers are +, -, * and /.
A success condition is given as normal Python conditionals
(<,>,<=,>=,==,!=). So e.g. 2d6 + 3 > 10 means that the roll will succeed
only if the final result is above 8. If a success condition is given, the
outcome (pass/fail) will be echoed along with how much it succeeded/failed
with. The hidden/secret switches will hide all or parts of the roll from
everyone but the person rolling.
chance gives a 50:50 return. coin gives heads or tails.
For the ingame success vs failure rolling for a task, see '+help attempt'.