Create, read, or participate in a flashback.
flashback <ID #>[=<number of last posts to display]
flashback/catchup <ID #>
flashback/create <title>[=<summary>]
flashback/conclude <ID #>
flashback/title <ID #>=<new title>
flashback/summary <ID #>=<new summary>
flashback/invite[/retro] <ID #>[=<player>]
flashback/uninvite <ID #>[=<player>]
flashback/allow <ID #>=<player>[,<number of last posts or 'all'>]
flashback/post <ID #>=<message>
flashback/check[/flub] <ID>=<stat>[+<skill>][ at <difficulty #>] -- in progress!
Flashbacks are roleplay scenes that occur in the past, visible to staff
and invited players. Players are informed of new posts, but if you no
longer wish to be informed or participate, you may uninvite yourself. The
/catchup switch shows unread posts. Posts can also be made from your
character webpage via the flashbacks link. Players will see posts made
after they were invited, but inviting with /retro reveals back-posts.
Partial visibility is achieved with /allow, once they have been invited
normally. Use /invite without a name to see who has access. (This is not yet working --
Use /check similar to @check - the result will prefix your next post.)