+request - Make a request for GM help
+request [<#>]
+request <title>=<message>
+911 <title>=<message>
bug [<title>=]<report>
typo [<title>=]<report>
+featurerequest <title>=<message>
+request/followup <#>=<message>
+prprequest <title>=<question about a player run plot>
Send a message to the GMs for help. This is usually because
of wanting to take some action that requires GM intervention,
such as a plot idea or some other in-game activity, but can
also be for simple requests to have descriptions or other
aspects of your character editted/changed.
To request information about a player-run-plot that you wish
to run, use +prprequest.
+911 is used for emergencies and has an elevated priority.
Use of this for non-emergencies is prohibited.
'typo' may be used to report errors in descriptions or formatting.
'bug' is used for reporting game errors in code.
'+featurerequest' is used for making requests for code changes.
'+prprequest' is used for asking questions about a PRP.
To make an IC action, use @action instead.